Open Code: 6 Myths Debunked @OHBM
Promoting Open Science and Code I had the pleasure to participate in the “Open Code: 6 Myths Debunked” panel discussion organized by OHBM Open Science

Mediterranean and African Summer School on AI
Dr Rekik has participated in the MASSAI 2022 Summer School ESPRIT, in collaboration with ENIT/LAMSIN, is organizing the first edition of the Mediterranean and African

Join the 2nd Edition of the FAIR workshop!
Let it be fair with #FAIR 2022! Let it be fair with #FAIR 2022! We are looking for contributions on: (a) making #AI #affordable for #healthcare, (b) making healthcare affordable with AI, or

Join the 5th Edition of PRIME-MICCAI!
Design predictive intelligence methods and get them published! This workshop will mediate ideas from both machine learning and mathematical/statistical/physical modeling research directions in the hope

WiM in STEM: Networking & Professional Development
Women in STEM Networking & Professional Development keynote Join us for this exciting international networking and professional development event, organised by Women in Miccai (WIM),

7 Future Directions of Artificial Intelligence
Futuristic predictions reveal that the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will eliminate 85 million jobs, create 97 million new ones and produce $126 billion in

Become a member of the RISE-MICCAI Network now!
We are delighted to announce the foundation of the RISE MICCAI network, which was officially approved and supported by the MICCAI Board members. The RISE-MICCAI

Call for Participation in the WILL 2021 initiative!
Participate in the WILL now! We are warmly inviting you all to participate in the WILL initiative, which is a premiere competition launched by the Women in MICCAI

FAIR-MICCAI 2021 on “Affordable Healthcare and AI for Resource Diverse Global Health”
Being FAIR is the way to progress in global healthcare! We’re co-organizing the 1st workshop on

PRIME-MICCAI: The 4th workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Strasbourg 2021!
The future of AI in healthcare lies in designing predictive intelligence. We’re organizing the 4th workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” (PRIME) at MICCAI 2021, in Strasbourg.

Apply now: Become an AI4Healthcare mentor or mentee!
BASIRA Mentorship Application Form Welcome to the BASIRA 2021 Mentorship Program! For application, please fill out the following Google form: https://cutt.ly/8xIIymS

BASIRA 2021 AI4Healthcare seminars are now available on YouTube!

12 papers accepted at the international MICCAI 2020 from BASIRA lab including workshops!
12 papers accepted at the international MICCAI 2020 from BASIRA lab including workshops! BASIRA team members had 12 papers accepted at the world-leading international

Islem Rekik featured under the “Women in Science” section in the RSIP magazine!
Islem Rekik featured under the “Women in Science” section in the RSIP magazine! Dr Rekik was featured in the “Women in Science” section of the

Coming up soon: Women in MICCAI 2020 Virtual Event
Days Hours Minutes Seconds WIM Virtual Event Are you wondering about which career trajectory to pursue? What challenges might lie ahead of you and how

Two MICCAI 2020 student travel awards go to Alaa and Islem!
Two MICCAI 2020 student travel awards go to Alaa and Islem! Congratulations to both Alaa (Ph.D candidate at BASIRA lab and University of Sousse, Tunisia)

ShapeMi: The second workshop on “Shape in Medical Imaging” at MICCAI, Peru 2020
ShapeMI: The second workshop on “Shape in Medical Imaging” at MICCAI, Peru 2020! We gladly announce the workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging (ShapeMI), which is held in conjunction with

PRIME-MICCAI: The third workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Lima 2020
PRIME-MICCAI: The 3rd workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Lima 2020 We’re organizing the third workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” (PRIME) at

Dr Rekik received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (Horizon 2020)
Dr Islem Rekik has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (success rate 13% in Europe) for 2 years, starting from April 2020 at the host

Download and test our codes from BASIRALab GitHub
BASIRA Lab GitHub is now available! You can download and test our source codes from BASIRA lab GitHub: https://github.com/basiralab You can now access our first released

Dr Rekik was awarded the TUBITAK 2232 fellowship for outstanding researchers
Dr Islem Rekik has been awarded the TUBITAK 2232 fellowship for outstanding researchers under the category of experienced researchers for 3 years, starting from

Dr Rekik receiving the MICCAI Educational Challenge Award (Shenzhen, China)
Dr Rekik receiving the MICCAI Educational Challenge Award (Shenzhen, China) Dr Islem Rekik received the MICCAI Educational Challenge (MEC) 2019 Award (2nd place) in Shenzhen China with the

Coming up soon: Women in MICCAI 2019 Lunch and Networking Events, Shenzhen (China)
WiM 2019 Lunch and Networking Events, Shenzhen (China) We invite you all to join us at this lunch event that will bring women in MICCAI

We are organizing MICCAI 2019 Grand Challenge on Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI) Transfer Learning!
We are organizing MICCAI 2019 Grand Challenge on Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI) Transfer Learning! We’re organizing the third workshop on “Connectomics in NeuroImaging” (CNI) in

PRIME-MICCAI: The second workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Shenzhen 2019!
PRIME-MICCAI: The 2nd workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Shenzhen 2019 We’re organizing the 2nd workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” (PRIME) at MICCAI 2019, in

Congratulations to Can Gafuroğlu for winning the Young Software Engineer of Scotland!
Congratulations to Can Gafuroğlu for winning the Young Software Engineer of Scotland! Can’s work on “Joint prediction and Classification of Brain Image Evolution Trajectories from

Subscribe to our BASIRA Lab YouTube channel & watch our videos
Subscribe to our BASIRA Lab YouTube channel & watch our videos! To follow our recent published research works, you can subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Celebrating the first BASIRA anniversary!
Celebrating the first BASIRA anniversary! To my former, current, and future BASIRA students: Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (جلالالدین محمد رومی ) once said: “When you do

6 papers accepted at MICCAI workshops (MLMI, PRIME, CNI) 2018!
6 papers accepted at MICCAI workshops (MLMI, PRIME, CNI) 2018! For more information about our accepted papers in the main MICCAI conference and workshops, please

3 papers accepted at MICCAI 2018!
3 papers accepted for publication at MICCAI 2018! Congratulations to Can Gafuroğlu and Rory Raeper for their first peer-reviewed papers accepted for publication at MICCAI

CNI-MICCAI: The second workshop on “Connectomics in NeuroImaging” at MICCAI, Granada 2018!
CNI-MICCAI: The second workshop on “Connectomics in NeuroImaging” at MICCAI, Granada 2018! We’re organizing the second workshop on “Connectomics in NeuroImaging” (CNI) in conjunction with

PRIME-MICCAI: The first workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Granada 2018!
PRIME-MICCAI: The first workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” at MICCAI, Granada 2018! We’re organizing the first workshop on “PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine” (PRIME) at

2 papers accepted at ISBI 2018!
2 papers accepted at ISBI 2018! The connectional wiring of the human brain has become a feature of increasing interest to the neuroscientific community,

1st meeting of the SINAPSE Image Analysis group at the University of Dundee
1st meeting of the SINAPSE Image Analysis group at the University of Dundee Dr Rekik and Dr Gordon co-hosted the first SINAPSE Image Analysis meeting

Academic meets industry: Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems visit in Edinburgh
Academic meets industry: Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems visit in Edinburgh Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems (http://www.tmvse.com) in Edinburgh (UK) was established through acquisition in 2009 as

3 papers accepted for publication at MICCAI 2017 workshops!
3 papers accepted for publication at MICCAI 2017 workshops! The connectional wiring of the human brain has become a feature of increasing interest to the

Dr Rekik chairing “Software Presentation” session at MIUA 2017, Edinburgh
Dr Rekik chairing “Software Presentation” session at MIUA 2017, Edinburgh Dr Rekik chaired ”Software Presentation” session at Medical Imaging Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) conference in

Dr Rekik gave a talk on “Machine Learning Methods for Neuroscience” at MIUA 2017, Edinburgh
Dr Rekik gave a talk on “Machine Learning Methods for Neuroscience” at MIUA 2017, Edinburgh Prof Peter Donnelly, Chair of the Royal Society Working Group

Dr Rekik visited IDEA lab at the University of North Carolina, USA
Dr Rekik visited IDEA lab at the University of North Carolina, USA Dr Rekik is a former member of IDEA lab, directed by Prof. Dinggang