WiM 2019 Lunch and Networking Events, Shenzhen (China)

We invite you all to join us at this lunch event that will bring women in MICCAI from different research areas and across all stages of their careers together, where they can meet and learn from each other. Our event will feature talks by three keynote speakers; Dr. Catherine Mohr, Dr. Lena Maier-Hein and Dr. Klaus Maier-Hein.

Where: Galleon Room
When: Wednesday, October 16th, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
HowRegistration through this link
How much: Free

Policy: All genders are welcome to attend. The number of seats is limited. Please fill out the online registration form to attend WiM Lunch event. If sold-out, please add yourself to the wait-list. We anticipate spots opening up a few days before the event.

WiM mission statement: The mission of the WIM is to strengthen and widen the representation of female scientists in the MICCAI community by pursuing policies that encourage more female participation in the field and ensure fair and equitable career promotion for female faculty and students —policies that assist in overcoming implicit gender bias within the community.

WiM aims to:

  • Promote a gender-balanced MICCAI research community.
  • Support minorities and promote geographic diversity at MICCAI.
  • Foster an inclusive and diverse MICCAI research community.

WiM 2019 Board Members:

Keynote Talk Title: ‘Being an Opportunist’
Dr. Catherine Mohr, the vice president of Strategy at Intuitive Surgical and president of the Intuitive Foundation, will address the somewhat odd and twisting path she has taken through her career and the common theme of having a plan, but being willing to change it when something better comes along.

Keynote Talk Title: ‘Diapers and Dual Career’
Dr. Lena Maier-Hein is the head of the division of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions, and Dr. Klaus Maier-Hein is the head of the division of Medical Image Computing at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany. The couple, both leading scientists in their field, will talk about family and research, and how to keep a balance between the two.”

For more check the two following links:

