Dr Rekik has participated in the MASSAI 2022 Summer School
ESPRIT, in collaboration with ENIT/LAMSIN, is organizing the first edition of the Mediterranean and African Summer School on Artificial Intelligence MASSAI 2022. The aim of this summer school, is to contribute to the development of the African potential, to arouse vocations and to trigger entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of AI. This summer school will provide practical training on recent developments in AI to PhD students, post-docs, engineers and researchers in the field of AI. Furthermore, through this event, our goal is to contribute in the development of an AI ecosystem in the region and to provide a platform to foster collaboration between the different actors in the field, including academic and industrial parties. The summer school will take place at ESPRIT School of engineering.
Website link: https://massai.esprit.tn/AISummerSchool/
Dr Rekik has participated in the MASSAI as a guest lecturer where she delivered an introductory course to machine learning.